Once you’ve made the milestone investment of purchasing your first boat, you’ll want to ensure you know how to handle it on the water. Even experienced riders take some time to get a feel of their boats and become pros at maneuvering them.

Poplar Pointe Marine in Bracey, VA, is the best place to come looking for top-of-the-line boats. We recommend applying these preparedness tips if you’re about to take your new boat out for a spin.

Read the Manual

Boats can be complex if you’re not familiar with their inner workings and handling requirements. A great way of knowing what to expect during your earlier trips is to familiarize yourself with your owner’s manual. This will also help you assess any problems so that you’re not left stranded or in crisis on the water.


Before you head out on a long-distance voyage in unfamiliar waters, you should learn the ropes in a safer location first. Practice is a great way to build a bond with your boat and prepare you for longer and farther excursions. This will make you a great defensive boat handler and build your confidence in the process.

Avoid Rough Waters

You’ll want to avoid chop if it’s your first time taking your new vessel out for a cruise. Rough waters can be intimidating to navigate through, especially during inclement weather. Stay safe by checking the weather report ahead of time so you can avoid compromising and unexpected situations during your trips.

Stop by our store in Bracey if you’re looking for top-tier boat options. We also supply all visitors from Richmond, VA, and Raleigh, NC too!